Best Places to Invest in 柯林斯堡

Best Places to Invest in 柯林斯堡

Are you looking to invest in 柯林斯堡, Colorado real estate?

The realty market in 柯林斯堡 is hot right now. Thanks to its award-winning schools, a flourishing arts scene, and abundance of outdoor amenities among other things, the city has become attractive for renters, 许多人想住在柯林斯堡和科罗拉多州北部的其他地区.

作为一个潜在的房地产投资者,你可以选择投资的房产. You can choose a 柯林斯堡 property that targets professionals, 学生, 或家庭, 例如.

That being said, investing in the right area is key for long-term success. 理想情况下,根据你的目标和预算,你应该瞄准柯林斯堡的社区. From Old Town to 亨廷顿山, 柯林斯堡有很多顶级社区,对潜在投资者来说是令人兴奋的.

在今天的文章中, 我们现场亚洲博彩平台排名服务公司将为您介绍柯林斯堡的顶级地区,您可以考虑进行下一次房地产投资. 我们将告诉你所有关于最好的柯林斯堡社区的重要信息,以及为什么他们有希望投资.

Best 柯林斯堡 Neighborhoods to Buy Real Estate

1. 柯林斯堡旧城

柯林斯堡 – or as both wannabe locals and hip people call it, FoCo – is located about an hour north of Denver. 老城区是这座城市的一小片天堂——总是充满活力, 安全, 并邀请.

老城区的居民和游客都喜欢它的历史地标. It features impressive mature landscaping, delightful turn-of-the-century architecture, and wide streets that were designed for horse-drawn carriages.


2. 大学公园

这是一个成熟的社区,大多数房屋的历史可以追溯到19世纪. 它位于市中心的南部,毗邻丹佛大学, as well as Colorado State University. 它为居民提供了多元文化的餐馆和繁华的夜生活.

大学公园, as with many college towns, harmonizes with the neighboring school and its attendees.

As an investor, you have multiple investing options. Besides student housing, you also have the option for single-family homes. Its convenient location between Denver Tech Center, Colorado State University, and downtown will ensure it remains attractive to new residents, so long as the city continues to grow.

3. 旧的前景

旧的前景怎么样?周围有花园on Spring Creek,步行可达. With easy access to grocery stores like King Soopers, 全食超市, and proximity to area schools, this neighborhood offers its residents a convenient, family friendly location.

更重要的是, 步行即可到达“80年代比萨博物馆”(该博物馆收藏了世界上最大的80年代流行文化纪念品)。.

The neighborhood also has a high bike score (better than 99.5% of the country’s neighborhoods). This can be attributed to its central location.

4. 沃伦海岸

This neighborhood is located south of downtown 柯林斯堡. It is arguably one of the most sought-after areas in the city. 由于该地区提供的城市景点和便利设施,租户被吸引到这个地区.

沃伦海岸位于沃伦湖(一个海拔3307英里的高山湖泊)旁边。. 对于居民来说,住在这里意味着可以方便地前往高速公路、顶级学校和市中心的商店.


5. Terry Point and Terry Shores

特里角和特里海岸位于特里湖的北岸和东岸. They offer an idyllic waterfront location. 这个地区的大多数住宅都有大片土地和迷人的成熟景观.

吸引租房者和居民的顶级设施包括当地的野生动物, 开放空间, 还有湖泊通道.

6. 乡村俱乐部

乡村俱乐部 is located on the south side of Richard’s Lake. It’s an established neighborhood in 柯林斯堡. 这一地区的大多数住宅都坐落在大片土地上,面积通常在半英亩左右.

大部分住宅单元建于20世纪60年代和70年代,是单层的牧场. Only 10% of the homes are renter-occupied.

Top amenities in the area include access to nearby lakes, 高尔夫球场, and easy access to 开放空间.

7. 橡树岭村

橡树岭拥有丰富的小径,一个大型社区公园,以及大量的开放空间. It’s located just north of the Southridge Golf Course.

Generally, homes in 橡树岭村 are two-story, sitting on large lots. There are also a couple of patio homes.

Amenities that attract renters to this area include 公园s, 操场, and an abundance of walking trails.

8. Southridge绿色

Southridge绿色 is also located south of 柯林斯堡. 有各种各样的家庭类型,以适应不同的预算和生活方式.


租户大多是退休人员、远程工作者、管理人员和行政人员. Southridge绿色 ranks as one of the top 15% highest income neighborhoods.

9. 亨廷顿山

This is one of the city’s most family-oriented neighborhoods. It always has something to offer residents. 无论你是想在游泳池和网球场玩得开心,还是想参加该地区的众多景点之一, this neighborhood is a crowd-pleaser.

亨廷顿山为其居民和游客提供了大量的景点. With Portner Reservoir and foothills just within a walking distance, there is no shortage of things to do.


10. 突然弓背跃起的马

This neighborhood is located east of downtown 柯林斯堡. It is just as convenient as it is scenic. 突然弓背跃起的马 features edible landscaping, an Olympic-sized 游泳池, and multiple walking trails.

+, 其田园诗般的位置之间的杰瑟普农场和约翰逊农场使邻里感觉像一个乡村撤退. 居民也可以享受大量的活动,如啤酒品尝,绘画和现场音乐.


Top amenities include bike trails, 开放空间, 公园, 精品商店, 咖啡店, 游泳池, 啤酒厂, and farm-to-table restaurants.


柯林斯堡, 由于各种因素,CO是一个受到许多房地产投资者关注的城市, including a growing economy, 不断增长的人口, 一流的旅游, and being a landlord-friendly state.

If you are looking to buy 柯林斯堡 real estate, you may want to consider the aforementioned neighborhoods in 柯林斯堡. With more and more people looking to live in 柯林斯堡, 这些社区对租房者很有吸引力,而且有可能带来高回报.

If you need further help or have more questions, contact our 柯林斯堡 property managers.

