Owner & Investor FAQs
We field questions every day about pricing, leasing, residents, maintenance… you name it! To assist you, 我们整理了一份常见问题清单, along with our responses, on this page.
If you don't find the answer you're seeking, 请不要犹豫,给我们打电话或点击下面直接与我们交谈.
Contact Us-
How much should my home rent for?
Great question! 你的房产的潜在租金取决于几个因素, including the home's condition, its location, and the rent of similar properties in your area. 对于总体估计,我们非常乐意帮助您 a personalized rental report. Just click here 填写表格申请免费的租金分析. Then, 我们将与您通话并指导您完成, 帮助你了解你的房产可能的租金. -
How quickly can you rent my Fort Collins home?
We can rent it out in as little as 21 days!
Here’s how…
成功出租你的房子是关于它得到多少能见度. At Evernest, we combine the strengths of digital marketing with innovative guerrilla marketing strategies to maximize your property's exposure, encourage 申请提交,并最终确保可靠的居民.
我们的经验告诉我们,这与时间流逝的时间无关, 而是看有多少潜在住户看你的房子. 这就是为什么我们的首要目标是增加你的房产的客流量. Currently, our marketing 我们的网站每月吸引超过21,000名独立访客. 正是这种强劲的交通流量导致了房产的看房, then to applications, 并最终为你的 rental property. 我们致力于将您财产的可见性转化为有形的成果.
What are your fees?
我们知道每个业主的需求都是独一无二的. That's why we offer a variety of pricing plans tailored to suit different situations. To explore the options and find the one that best fits your requirements, please visit our pricing page. 在那里,你可以要求免费报价,这是唯一的你的情况. We're committed to providing value-based, affordable solutions for your property management needs. -
What type of properties do you manage?
Our Fort Collins property management services are designed to serve a diverse range of properties. 我们擅长管理单户住宅,包括公寓和联排别墅. 此外,我们处理小的多单元属性,不 require onsite management. Whatever your property type, you can trust Evernest to provide superior management services tailored to your specific needs. -
How soon can you start managing my property?
只要你签一份管理协议把钥匙交给我们, we’ll swing into action to manage your property. Without delay, we arrange for one of our seasoned property managers to conduct a walkthrough of your property. Our 我们的目标是确保一切都井然有序,为居民们做好准备. You can be confident that your property transition will be smooth, swift, and professionally managed. -
How can I best reach you?
Getting in touch with us is easy. If you prefer a more personal interaction, feel free to call one of our local offices. The contact information for our Fort Collins office can be found on our 'Contact Us' page. You can also fill out the form 在此页面上请求致电我们的服务. We're looking forward to hearing from you and addressing your property management needs. -
One month’s rent. -
What type of reports do I get and how often?
我们相信透明度和让业主了解我们的情况, 确保您始终保持最新的财产状态. 我们会在每个月的第二个星期五发一份业主声明, providing a comprehensive breakdown 已收取的租金和已完成的物业维修工作. Along with this detailed report, we include copies of all invoices related to maintenance work conducted during that period. Additionally, at the end of each month, you will receive a month-end statement. -
How is rent collection handled?
我们开发了一种经过深思熟虑和个性化的方法,已被证明是有效的, 我们对我们安置的居民95%以上的催收率证明了这一点. 在珠峰,我们采用了一种温和的、持续的压力哲学 rent collection throughout the month, 而不是在房租过期时采取突然和严厉的措施. 我们的居民会收到关于即将到来的租金的礼貌通知, fostering a more positive resident-landlord relationship. In our weekly collections meetings, we approach each resident's case individually, determining the most suitable next steps. Experience the Evernest difference in property management – where respect and efficiency go hand in hand. -
Do I get to see the lease or sign it?
如果您想看一下租约,我们可以提供一份副本给您. 住户签了一份租约,埃弗内斯特是你的代理人. -
Can you put the money directly into my account?
是的,我们将ACH付款直接打入业主账户. We disperse to owners on the second Friday of the month and again on the last day of the month. -
Do you sell real estate too?
At Evernest, we value relationships. If you join us via an agent referral, 我们将把你们带回同一位探员,以此纪念你们之间的联系. 此外,我们理解您的房产需求可能会随着时间的推移而变化. That's why we have a 专门从事成功房地产销售的代理团队, 如果你决定出售你在柯林斯堡的房产,我们随时为你提供帮助. We're committed to providing a comprehensive, seamless service tailored to your unique goals and requirements. -
Are you licensed?
是的,我们有科罗拉多州颁发的经营出租物业的执照. We also ONLY allow licensed and insured maintenance staff and vendors to work on our rental houses. -
Can I review your management agreement?
不要犹豫与我们取得联系,无论是电话还是电子邮件 support@evernest.co. We're more than happy to provide you with a copy of our current management agreement, sent directly to your inbox. -
How many properties do you manage?
At present, we proudly manage around Fort Collins and its surrounding areas. Our reach extends from the bustling cityscapes to the vibrant communities of single-family homes and multifamily units. Entrust your property to us and join the extensive network of satisfied homeowners we serve locally. 无论您身在何处,让我们为您提供轻松的亚洲博彩平台排名服务. -
Established in 2008, Evernest began its journey with a simple mission - managing our own rental properties. As we navigated through the industry, we discerned a significant demand for professional single-family property management. Inspired by this need, 我们扩大了服务范围,以满足那些要求卓越的人的高标准, transparency, 他们的亚洲博彩平台排名团队做了细致的会计核算.
Our team comprises seasoned professionals who bring a wide range of experience not only from real estate but also from various other sectors. We're not just a team of property managers; we're a collective of industry veterans, 久经考验,准备好超越你的期望. At Evernest, your property is our priority. Contact us today and discover the difference our expertise can make for your property management needs.
How much does Evernest charge for maintenance?
We're proud to have an in-house maintenance team dedicated to keeping your property in tip-top shape. 除了所用材料的成本外,我们的收费是按小时计算的. For detailed information about our maintenance pricing in Fort Collins, please reach out to us at support@evernest.co. We're here to provide transparent and competitive pricing tailored to your property's maintenance needs. -
How much should I budget for maintenance?
The cost of maintenance for your rental property can vary depending on factors such as the age and size of your home. However, a general rule of thumb in the industry is to anticipate annual maintenance costs to be around 1% of your property's value. This estimate, of course, can fluctuate based on the specific conditions and needs of your property. -
我们坚持对隐私和公平的坚定承诺. As such, we do not disclose any details from a resident's application to property owners. All application approvals are handled internally by our experienced team, adhering strictly to the Fair Housing guidelines. 我们的目标是确保所有参与者都能获得公平公正的程序. -
How do you screen applicants?
Check out our Approval Criteria page. -
Can I do my own maintenance?
We prefer to handle all maintenance, as it provides a much smoother resident experience. 不过,在某些情况下,我们确实允许业主管理维护. 最终,这个决定是由正规博彩网站评级亚洲体育博彩平台领导在地方层面上做出的. You can feel 有信心,我们可以有效地处理您的所有维护. With our in-house maintenance solution, 我们会全程照顾您和您的财产. 我们还对所有产品提供12个月的保修期! -
Where should I buy an investment property?
We'd be delighted to assist you in navigating the Fort Collins investment landscape. Simply fill out the form on our brokerage page and we can guide you through picking profitable areas where investors are currently finding success.
Additionally, our dedicated Evernest Community platform holds a treasure trove of investor information that could be invaluable for you. It's a great way to connect with like-minded investors, and it’s 100% free to join, even if you are not yet a client of ours! Don't forget to visit our podcasts page as well, which features interviews with local investors sharing their insights and experiences in the local market.
Yes, you can. One warning, 不过,如果我们签了租约,第二天你就收到了报价, 你得履行租约,把你的房子卖掉! If that prospect makes you at all uncomfortable, this is not something we would encourage. -
It’s challenging for us to provide a definitive answer without hearing about your situation. That said, 我们可以向您保证,即使在低迷的房地产市场, 我们能够成功地出租许多物业 帮助成千上万的业主从他们的租赁组合中赚取收入. 如果保留你的房产并赚取每月租金收入 appeals to you, please do not hesitate to fill out the form here and get a free rental report. This document will lay out everything you need to know to make an informed decision. We'd be delighted to share more about our extensive property management services and how we can work together to make your property a producing asset for you.